
Feedback from Families and Carers

Bolton Supported living

“Just a note to say a big thank you, for all the hard work yourself and team have put in, whilst working with T, since being supported by ISL in Bolton last year.

As you know T has had complex mental health needs for a number of years, which have resulted in him being placed with different providers from the age of 14.

I can honestly say that as an adult, it is only since T has resided with ISL, he has experienced a such a period of stability and where I feel his well being is paramount, thanks to the team.

What is hugely refreshing to observe since T has been in your care is the genuine sincerity all the team display in actually wanting to get to know T as a person first (which takes time and lots of patience!) and then they have begun to enable him to make decisions and be an independent adult. The effort of the team to gain an understanding of T as a person first.

Please pass on my thanks and appreciation to the team, and please, please keep up the fantastic work you are all doing… it never goes un noticed or under valued”!

York Supported Living

“Words cannot describe the difference York supported living has made.

He has become a more independent young man and developing into individual character which I am proud to call my son .

Living together has being testing over the years but moving out to supported living is the best thing to happen.

The team support him in an “individual way” and has shown so much maturity since he moved out .

I am overwhelmed with the communication and support. As a mum it’s given us a “Mother and son ” relationship back which I have yearned for and all this is because of the amazing team work .

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication .

York Supported Living

“We can’t believe how much S has changed, his maturity is outstanding. He coped so well with the lockdown abroad, and its shows what great work you have done with him, me and his mum are blown away, he used to follow us continuously asking for money etc and he hasn’t done that once. We cannot believe the change in him in only a couple of months!

Mersey Gardens Outreach 

“Being a single parent household with two young people who have varying and very different needs, having support is vitally important. As a working mum and unpaid carer, it can be difficult to juggle everything that needs doing and then factor in much needed quality time for each of the boys.

ISL provide outreach support which not only allow me to go to work but also to make that time available for my younger son. Without respite he would not be able to access the activities he does nor would we be able to go anywhere. An essential service for all of us!”


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