
Spotlight: Carers Week! Aeturnum Libertas

Written by: Toni-Marie

Topic of The Month:

Carers Week: 10th – 16th June 2024.

In my opinion Carers really are the “Living Angels” in the lives of those with disabilities. As Carers you all play a vital role in enabling disabled people to actually participate in the act of living themselves.

It is a role that requires a person who is completely and utterly selfless in many ways. This coupled with a burning desire to want to do the job.

So. In my opinion what makes a good Carer is:

Someone who can demonstrate:

Good Communication/Language Skills.















You may or may not be surprised to see that Experience is not on this list! Controversially or not as the case maybe. I believe that experience, whilst ideal  in my opinion is not absolutely essential. Because it is my view that Experience can be gained through actively demonstrating Good Communication and Language Skills as well as a good level of basic understanding of the Job Role. Together with any and all clearly identified and necessary training. Although. What is absolutely essential in my view is that any potential Carer FULLY understands what is being asked of them, and crucially that they are prepared to undertake every aspect of the job that they have applied for. This is of course a long list! And I could probably still add to it! That said. As a Carer you MUST never, ever forget that you have rights too. With this in mind let’s not forget that there are currently 9% of people  providing unpaid care.

However, Carers UK research in 2022 estimates the number of unpaid carers could be as high as 10.6 million people. (Carers UK) Carers Week 2022 (research report). The plight of Social Care in this country should not be underestimated. As a disabled woman who has lived within the Social Care system for my whole life  I believe that the situation regarding any and all Social Care provision has long since reached catastrophic proportions. And not just in one area. It is having a far-reaching negative impact on the people, like myself who are deemed to be the most vulnerable within our society anyway. And Carers alike. With millions suffering the impact of isolation, poverty and mental health issues as a direct result of being wholly unsupported by a system that is meant to protect them.

It is too easy to say that the lack of money is the only issue.

When looking at Social Care in it’s entirety. I really believe that there is absolutely no common sense behind any of the current legislative decisions that are made at Government level. And so as a consequence the actual service delivery of these decisions can have a devastating impact on those who receive care as well as those who are charged with implementing them.

Far  too much time is spent implementing the policies that govern the whole way in which a human being with any kind of disability or illness is expected to live. There is zero compassion, zero common sense and as is all too often, a complete lack of understanding and knowledge regarding the all consuming act of service delivery of care. It leaves people with disabilities feeling like they are nothing but a burden to our society. With NO CONTROL over the way in which we live our lives – We are part of humanity – and yet the system is completely, utterly and devastatingly dehumanising…

Victoria Atkins Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. PLEASE ACT NOW.

I will say it again – Carers are my “Invisible Heartbeat” Those in the Social Care system need your heartbeat for their own to function as well.

Thank you so very much from my Heartbeat to yours…

Without you all I simply cannot be me. It is you and your dedication that underpins all that I am.

Spotlight: Carers Week! 10th – 16th of June 2024.

Thank you for reading!

Aeturnum Libertas! (Meaning Forever Freedom!)

Warm Wishes.


Please Note: Any and all of the opinions, beliefs or thoughts expressed in this blog are the writers own.

Owing to the many physical demands on my time I am a person who needs to reply to emails as and when I can. Please be assured that I will reply as soon as I am able to. I would ask for your patience and understanding if my response time Is sometimes a little slower than expected. Thank you so much. Kind Regards. TMB

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