
August COVID 19 Update

Written by: ISL

The lifting of most restrictions in the UK took place from 19th of July, opening up opportunities for people to participate in additional activities in group settings. This also means that face coverings are no longer required by law. We have  re issued guidance to our services to ensure face coverings are still used for close contact activities (e.g. personal care) and throughout services for 10 days following any positive COVID 19 tests for staff or clients. We ask visitors to wear face coverings when in public areas of buildings. We also encourage everyone to respect any face covering rules/guidance set by local venues people may be visiting.

Thank you to all of our teams for your continued commitment in delivering excellent support.

We continue to  remain prepared to respond as required to any changes to the government guidance that have been set out as the risk of COVID variants is monitored.

The vaccine roll out continues and we continue to support people to access vaccinations at local centres, many having now received second doses

We continue to support people to navigate the rules as restrictions ease, as well as resuming activities that have been on hold, connecting with friends and family networks and returning to employment and volunteering.

In addition:

  • We keep our Business Continuity plan under continuous review linked to wider guidance in line with the relevant recommendations in the policy paper: Adult Social Care: our COVID-19 winter plan 2020 – 21
  • We continue to maintain COVID secure practices within our services and support individuals to manage personal challenges and keep safe and well and work closely with families and professionals in this regard
  • We have maintained supply chains to ensure PPE continues to be widely available for all staff appropriate to role and task, in line with government advice
  • Staff not involved in direct service delivery are working from home & utilising remote meeting applications wherever possible
  • In the few cases where anyone we support or a staff member has had a positive COVID 19 test they have been supported to take all appropriate actions in line with national guidance and legislation
  • Business Continuity Plans and Risk Assessments continue to be reviewed regularly and are updated as advice changes, including relevant recommendations from the policy paper: Adult Social Care: our COVID 19 winter plan 2020-21. The Board continue review these weekly via conference call
  • We continue to maintain social distancing practices within services, ensuring that everyone is receiving the right support
  • Staffing levels required to support clients have been maintained throughout the pandemic
  • Contingencies remain in place for all eventualities to ensure service delivery
  • Clients are supported with required information & guidance, including easy read /individually formatted information where this is needed
  • We are continuing close liaison with local authorities, regulators and landlords

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